
Pastor frederick kc price
Pastor frederick kc price

pastor frederick kc price

Price came into contact with the Bible teaching ministry of Kenneth E. This led to his being baptized with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 on February 28, 1970.

pastor frederick kc price

Because of a lack of positive results in his life and ministry, he grew dissatisfied with his personal spiritual development, so he searched for a more fruitful Christian experience. Price pastored West Washington Community Church, a small church in Los Angeles, under the auspices of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Membership currently numbers over 28,000. Since God’s Word works for me, I know it can work for you, as well.Ĭrenshaw Christian Center (CCC) was founded by Dr. Acts 10:34 says God shows no partiality He simply honors His Word. God’s Word is true and will work for you. If you have a special need, I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to fight the good fight of faith (First Timothy 6:12).

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But my larger desire is that you learn how to walk by faith, not by sight (Second Corinthians 5:7). Please know that I agree with you that all your needs that are consistent with a godly lifestyle will be met. It is truly an honor and privilege to contribute to your spiritual growth in the Lord. I cannot begin to express how fulfilling and liberating it is to be dependent solely upon the Lord. Having others pray for you is fine and certainly biblical, but it is much more rewarding to obtain God’s blessings on your own. This understanding will empower you to act and stand on God’s Word. This will help you understand what it means to have a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. If you have a challenge believing God hears and desires to answer your prayers, I recommend that you study what the scriptures say about righteousness, as well as read the accompanying article listed above entitled What We Believe. This is why He tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). And like a good father, He wants you to come directly to Him with all your needs.

pastor frederick kc price

I urge you to fight the good fight of faith by developing a personal relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him in prayer as well as in praise and worship and the reading of His Word on a consistent basis. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. It says that if you will confess (or say) with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. If you have not yet accepted Jesus, then Romans 10:9-10 is the first step you need to take.

pastor frederick kc price

A righteous man is anyone who has received Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. James 5:16 says the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. You do not need a minister to pray for you to be certain God hears your prayer. My hope is that our website and social media sites will become a valuable tool in bringing you ever closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is exciting to minister to you through this wonderful medium where we can reach followers worldwide. Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord! Thank you for joining me and Ever Increasing Faith Ministries (EIFM) on the internet.

Pastor frederick kc price